Tuesday, August 17, 2010

They Hate US for Our Freedom?

Sure, the primary responsibility of our elected officials is to get re-elected, but do you ever get sick of being manipulated by politicians who have no actual jurisdiction over a situation.  Politicians and talking heads across America are focused like a laser on plans to build a mosque. Largely ignored, the widespread, actual suffering of millions of Muslims during their holiday season of Ramadan.  In a country  that remains one of our few allies in Afghanistan.

"Pakistan's worst floods in recorded history began more than two weeks ago in the mountainous northwest and have spread throughout the country. Some 20 million people and 62,000 square miles (160,000 square kilometers) of land — about one-fifth of the country — have been affected."

Instead we are inundated with a flood of competing press statements concerning the location of a proposed mosque  close to the hallowed ground of the World Trade Center.  I have to admit it was jarring to experience the great shopping available right across from the leveled World Trade Center site. (On the other hand, the amazing prices at Century 21 quickly assuage that icky feeling.)

Does the World Trade Center site deserve some extra-Constitutional status?  The first amendment is pretty clear on freedom of religion, leaving the politicians little actual power to affect the outcome of this controversy.  Or does the of 'hallowedness' of our Constitution trump the WTC area real estate? 

If our actual war with Islamic fundamentalist extremist terrorists is for the hearts and minds of moderate Muslims,  we are fighting the wrong battle.  Maybe they don't hate us for our freedoms, but rather for our obtuseness.

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